On the death of the Duke of Edinburgh

O God, our rock and our redeemer,
we give thanks for your servant Philip.We thank you for his long life,
for his dedicated support of his wife in her vocation as Queen,and for his service to commonwealth and nation.

We thank you for the Duke of Edinburgh award,
for the work of the World Wide Fund for Nature
and for so many causes he inspired and supported.

We rejoice that he lived and shared
the faith we hold,
and that, by your grace,
he survived danger and threat.

We pray for those who will miss him most deeply,
that they may find comfort and hope.

We celebrate and affirm our faith
that death is defeated,
that new life awaits your children,
and that creation is renewed in Christ.

And, in this day and time, we pray,
as we are always glad to pray,
may your Kingdom come. Amen.