WEEKLY ON TUESDAY – at Paul Street – 11.00am – 1.00pm
OASIS – various activities according to the week in the month. But at the moment all on Zoom.
CRAFT & CHAT – (Not happening at the moment but may be resumed) Monthly on a Tuesday (except December) at Paul Street – 7.00pm until 9.00pm – where we meet together to enjoy own favourite craft, enjoy fellowship and conversation with others. In the past we have worked on Pew Cushions and more recently a Commemoration Quilt. Occasionally we also have someone come and show us a new skill.
Chat can cover a wide range of subjects from the ‘serious’ to the ‘silly’. Refreshements are served during the evening. 50p for the evening.
The SOCIAL AND ARTS GROUP has an event most months. These are quite varied, for example a pub lunch together, an organ concert, talks on Zoom, and theatre visits. There is no regular time, and details are in the church magazine.