O God, who came at Pentecost, to turn fearful disciples into an empowered community, come upon us and full us with spirit, Amen.
Holy Week
Lord Jesus, as we accompany you on the way of the cross, we give thanks that you accompany us on the road of life, transforming every day and leading us towards the light of life. Amen
Eternal God, you love us with a tender love and we are welcome in your presence. Your arms are ready to embrace us, your love to comfort us, your encouragement to strengthen us We come to you, like a child running to a mother’s arms, and you lift us up. Thank you for the everlasting […]
The well of prayer..
God, deep as the well, clear as the water, sparkling as the spring, we praise you.
Salt and light
As the savour to the salt grain, as the power to the light, as the voice that brings me homeward as the love that holds me tight, So Lord, art thou to me.
Open our eyes, Lord Jesus, to the world around us. Give us courage to do what you ask and to ‘Come and see’. Open our eyes, Lord Jesus, to the shape of your Kingdom. Give us courage to have a vision and to ‘Come and see’. Open our eyes, Lord Jesus, to the people all […]
O God, in this season of reflection, help me to find the people who are calling me to change my ways and to search my heart. As the Winter deepens, may my heart be stripped bare, so that when comes the Spring, I can rise renewed and flourish into life. Amen.
O Christ, in whom there is no longer slave and free, rich and poor, or male and female, but only children of your love, give us grace to see each other as we truly are, and to embrace, include and celebrate all our difference and all our oneness. Amen.
Prayer for a new week
O God, who anoints us with love and bathes us with grace, may we begin this week knowing how you bless us and believing we can bring blessing to others.
A prayer for the week
O God, who is right beside us whenever we are lost, go with us through the days of this week, that in every moment of worry, in every minute of despair, and in every occasion of rapture we may know that you are there, ready to make wherever we are a place called home, Amen
A prayer
O God, who created the world in beauty and who declared it all to be good, give us grace to see the value of the world and the purpose of our lives, and to use our power, resources and lives wisely for the good of all. In the name of Jesus, the Lord of life, […]
A prayer
O God, who desires that each of us should flourish and live in joy and peace, let your love shine upon us like the sun, that we may turn our faces to you and grow in strength, unfurling and unfolding in your sight, that we may truly live and richly praise you, now and always, […]